HUTS Workshop based in Newcastle Emlyn is delighted to announce that from January 4th 2021 they are extending their  ‘Call and Chat’ phone service. The service has been successfully helping it’s current member’s and local residents beat the effects of isolation since the beginning of the pandemic in March. 

Previously, with only three staff tirelessly working, HUTS Workshop has been reaching out to over seventy existing members, as well as the public every week. With comments from recipients, such as “I can’t wait for my weekly call” and “I would be completely on my own if it weren’t for HUTS,” the extension of the service will prove to be an essential lifeline as we enter the new year.

“Many Call and Chat users have reported their worst moments of feeling low, are in the evenings and at weekends.” Explains Sally Chorley, the charity’s manager. “A grant of £14,000  from the National Lottery Community Fund top-up scheme is enabling us, to not only keep our staff employed but also to extend the hours which our call service is available. We will now be able to answer calls throughout the whole week including weekends and early evenings.”  

Realising how lonely and frightening the impact of the virus would be, it was decided to set up a call service to offer reassurance and company for people overwhelmed by the effects of the pandemic and to ease the isolation and loneliness that people feel.

We want to remind everyone that despite the new hope that the vaccine offers, we are not out of the woods yet. “It is so important that we continue to adhere to the regulations in the battle against this virus. But this means that we are still having to live very lonely and isolating lives. People have become weary and the winter can be very challenging for all of us, especially if you already have, or have developed Mental Health issues.”  

Anyone over 18 can use the service, which offers the opportunity for a friendly chat about everyday things, just as you would have a chat with a friend or relative. “Our aim is to help reduce the effect of loneliness and to encourage a more positive outlook. If we feel a caller needs more than we can offer them, we can signpost them to other organisations which we feel may help them”.

If you know of someone that you think may benefit from a friendly call, please pass on the Call and Chat Service’s number or get in touch with HUTS yourself. The Call and Chat number is 01239 562036. It’s a ring back service, where the caller may be charged by their phone provider for their initial call but HUTS can call them back at no cost to the caller. All calls are confidential and the line will be open between 10am and 7pm Monday to Friday, 10am and 4pm Saturdays and between Midday and 6pm on Sundays.

Posted in General News on Feb 01, 2021.

About HUTS workshop Newcastle Emlyn About HUTS workshop Newcastle Emlyn About HUTS workshop Newcastle Emlyn